Saturday, September 27, 2014

The Ologies - Chapter 2: Cake and World Domination

Hello, everyone and welcome back to The Ologies! I just wanted to take the time to thank those of you who welcomed this legacy and myself so warmly on Boolprop.

When we last left off Aux Ology had married Gideon Thompson, built themselves a starter home, and Aux found out she was expecting the first child of generation one. Exciting isn't it? I'm going to be so tired of babies by the end of this...

Aux broke the news to Gideon as soon as she could. At first Aux (and myself) were nervous aboutt his straight face at the news. 

"Gideon, I know just last night we..."

"*clears throat* Uh...Aux remember what we talked about saying stuff like that in front of the Narrator?"

"Oh right...! Well, anyways. I'm pregnant!"

Needless to say, the worrying was for nothing and Gideon promptly decided to try to act like a barnacle and sucker himself to her face.

Also, Aux continues to make the best faces. 

I changed Aux's everyday as it really didn't seem practical for her to be wearing tight jeans and a belt while she's pregnant.

Can you guys see a flower motif here?

Aux spent most of her first trimester fishing up fertilizer for her garden which is growing quite big (mostly strawberries, the Ologies' cash cow). She seems to really enjoy it.

Gideon, on the other hand, gets his first promotion! Nice job, Gids.

"Well, I'm going to have a child to care for now!"

Plus you got a sweet picture light!


This is super cool even now as I see it's a bit off center. 

Neato lights aside...Aux's first and second trimester come and go and she's super chill. Just a round happy future mom always smiling.

"I don't know my motherly instinct has lessened my need for snark at this point."

Or you're super tired?

"That could be it too."

Even stinky and tired these two won't stop. 

"Hi there, little one. How are you today?"

"As lovely as this is, Giddy. I'm gunna throw up because you stink so bad..."

"Alright, love. Go get some rest."

What a dopey smile you dweeb.

"I heart him."

The third trimester, however, doesn't go as well as I had hope. Aux spends most of her time crying and eating eggs and toast to be completely honest.

"I'm just dreading having to squeeze this kid out of my-"

Mailbox. Right. Because babies come in the mail.


"Hey, babe! Do you like the nursery-? Oh, plumbob!"



Everyone welcome little Archae! Archae is named after the study of ancient cultures. She seems to have a slightly darker version of Gideon's skintone but you can never be sure with these kids.  Archae was also the name of my founder for my attempt at this legacy in the Sims 3 so let's hope she lives up to the name. 

"So...does this mean we get to woohoo again?"

"I'd say something about my current place in this Legacy as a glorified sperm donor but I love Aux and she makes really good food."

...just go make two more babies please.

They were happy to oblige, of course.

Wow, if woohoo inspires this bad of art...

"It's Pop Art!"

I'm pretty sure that's not what Pop Art is...

"You missed my the first part of my pregnancy."

Yeah, well this one was a little rough on you wasn't it? Would you rather have me keeping you alive or taking pictures?

"I'm too sad and hungry to answer that question."

Oh you just don't want to admit I'm right. 

Even though Aux's pregnancy is worth mentioning, little Archae is finally was turning into a child so I had one of the parents whip up a chocolate cake for the occasion. (Even though I figured out I couldn't use it to age up a baby. Lame.)

Cooking in the Sims 4 is ridiculously fun and the food all looks like super pixelated yummy goodness. Good thing I ate before writing this chapter. 

Gideon's a great dad and adores his little girl. Of course he had to be considering Aux was almost constantly moody with a yellow or orange plumbob over her head. Not. Good.

"Who's my girl? You are!" 

God, I'm just now realizing how much I hate Gid's pajamas. I must have forgot to change them or something.

"If I wasn't holding my daughter you and I would be having a word right now."

Jeez, what are you going to do? Hit me over the head with the latest picture of a sunrise with song lyrics plastered over it?

"You take that back!"


Here's little Archae! All grown up. I was kind of disappointed at how much like Gideon she seemed to be. Black hair, brown/grey eyes, all of his facial features...I'd like to have a little bit of Aux to pass down to the next generation. Still love the cutie though.

"I can kill you with my mind."

The little genius rolled the Whiz Kid aspiration for her childhood.

I decided to redo the house a bit to make room for a kids room and a nursery because I'd rather not have kids being woken up in the middle of the night by their siblings.

I moved the kid's room to be the door from the kitchen.

And the new nursery is off of the living room. 

Please excuse that's not piddle this is just the old bathroom remodeled. 

And here is very pregnant Aux in Archae's new room. I went with dinosaurs because that was really the only motif that sort of fit with Archae's name meaning.

Also see aren't you happy Aux? I put you pregnant in the chapter!

"Oh god...myback...youvehadthisgameonpauseforthirtywholeminutes."

And here's the new and improved master bedroom. Eventually I plop Gideon's easel at the end against the windows but I guess I didn't take this picture after.

Speaking of Gideon, he's been climbing the Painter career ladder for quite a bit. He even got these nifty sketches. Although, do you really think it's appropriate for a household with little child to have these hanging in the living area?

These two are really good friends. Aux is such a good mom and these two always interact with each other even without me controlling it. I think it's the attraction to the other's arrogance.



These two get along as well, mostly because they skill next to each other and talk while doing so. Quite cute really.

"Grilled cheese, Dad? Ugh. You're so pretentious."

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be doing your homework, missy? Go on! *mumbles into grilled cheese* 'Mnotpretentious."

Despite her ever plummeting needs, Aux still looks pretty as ever. Look at her so serene and beautiful in her garden.

Either that or she's just piddled herself.

I hate the Whiz Kid aspiration. I really do. Mostly because the play 5 chess games requirement has to be against another person.

So, I have to tear someone else away from their own skilling to help with Archae. The nerve.

"Check mate!"

"Archae, honey, I don't think that's how the beginning of the game works."

" you really know that?"


"Okay, then checkmate."

Also, stuff like this happens when Archae is trying to level up her mental skill.

Luckily, Gideon is there to save the day. Just because I ushered Aux very quickly out of the room with Archae. 

"Ah, oh god!"

Nice job, Archae. I think you just shocked your mother into labor.

"Gosh, she's just hungry!"

Oh...well could you maybe try again? She almost died in her garden the other day.

Oh boy, are you going to faint again?

"No, this fork won't come off my hand though..."


"Oh, this baby better come out soon or I'm gunna get it out with this fork!"

No need to get hasty, Aux...

Sparkles! And a baby!

Everyone please meet little Audi. Audi is named after the study of hearing. I hope to turn him into a bit of a charismatic rocker babe so hopefully he lives up to that! I quickly swapped out the stars motif to a nice purple and pink because I didn't get a girl SADLY.

What do you think of your little brother, Archae?

"He's squishy but that can be fixed...I will raise him to be my servant and we will rule this Legacy together."

Sorry, kiddo that's not really how it works if you're heir. 

"...can he at least come over for birthdays?"


What a better way to celebrate the birth of their second child than for Gideon and Aux to ignore actual physiology and get down and dirty.

"I've got the board set up, babe."

"Alright, I'm coming, I'm coming don't pick sides without me."

"Another one?!"

Three kids, sweetpea.

"Last one then?"


"Well, at least they'll be a little nooboo around here again."

"Gosh, I'm so happy I clipped into the wall!"

Er...isn't that Archae's room?


"So, do I look super cool?"

Err...Mirror, please!

Audi rolled the Creative aspiration for childhood (look at me forgetting what it's called) and as well as outgoing

I'm very excited that a little bit of Aux seemed to carry over to him considering Archae is kind of a Gideon clone. Look at that red hair!

I expanded the children's bedroom and gave each of the little kiddos stuffed animals (I'm a sucker for them what can I say?) as well as a violin for Audi and a bookshelf for Archae.

Can I say again how much I adore this interaction?

"This baby better not stage me up, Mom."

"Audi, you know your father and I love you all dearly."

"Yeah but he's getting the name Narrator's been saving! That means she likes him better."

Hey, I do not like being accused of favoritism. And for your information Audi I overrode what trait you actually rolled for something that suited your personality.

*screeching noises*

Jesus, Audi what is that racket? Oh you're practicing.

"I know I sound great don't I? I'm a regular Yo Yo Ma."

He plays a cello...

"Who cares I'm great."

"Hey mom, look!"

Audi please don't you're going to put her into labor with that racket.

"What? That's not true."

It is because I can make a couple skipped photos look like you did.

"No! I won't be the favorite then!"


Welcome the last but not least final child of generation one, little Astro. Astro is named after the study of star movements. He seems to have gotten more of Audi's skintone but we'll have to wait and see!

"Wow, Archae I like your glasses, super groovy!"

"Yeah well you're a nerd."

Seriously, these two get along like a house on fire. Maybe it's because Audi's so cocky he can take Archae's constant belittlement.

"Aud, if you don't stop playing I will stab this fork into your eye."

I don't think I've adored a generation of little ones so much. They're great to play and always skilling or autonomously hugging each other.



Astro is also an incredibly chill baby. Maybe it's because he's the last of the generation and everyone has pretty much stopped caring but look here he is just sleeping and being stinky and not making a peep.

Seriously, this baby barely cries.

I moved the kids' skilling station outside near Aux's garden so they can spend some family time together while skilling. I forgot how hard it is to maintain family relationships in this game as well as keep them skilled.

Aux also surprises me by growing up into an adult! 

And promptly starts to make out with Gideon.

"Your silver fox has arrived, Gids!"

I really love the paintings in the Sims 4. I would have included a lot more pictures of paintings Gideon has painted but I figured it might have been a little overkill. I thought this one was by far the cutest flirty painting.

Whatcha drawing there, Audi?

"Me being a super cool rockstar performing on the stage."

Aux has been really neglecting her garden lately mostly due to the kids but since all the pregnancies are all done I figured it was a great time for her to catch up.

And of course she pulls a face at me while she does so. Lovely.

I noticed that Gideon had been getting a little chubby and was popping all sorts of whims to exercise so I finally gave into his demands and sent him off jogging. Also seen in the picture is little Archae trying to complete her dumb chess game requirement. UGH.

"Gosh, I'm smiling now but in an hour or so I'm never going to want to do this again."

Well, look at Mr. Cool hugging a stuffed animal.

"What?! No I wasn't I was just uh...practicing how to hug fans."


"Hey, little guy...I'm your big brother..."

See. Such a softy actually.


I feel bad for neglecting these two so much. They really are quite sweet, always randomly and annoyingly stopping whatever they're doing to go talk to each other or kiss each other.

Also, I gave Aux a bit of a makeover keeping with the flower motif. At least I think that's what those things on her shirt are? I dunno it was cute and earth tones. I was going to put her hair down but it weirdly just didn't look like Aux.  

Aux is such a good mom too. Always snuggling and picking up the little babes.

Okay, so this might have turned into a bit of an Aux appreciation chapter but I really do love her. She's a great sim.

Look at how beautiful she looks tending her trees. She's nearly done with her aspiration as well!

I also decided to add a dining table and expand the main area a bit considering Astro was about to grow up. 

Look at this little cutie! Red hair and blue eyes with his daddy's face shape which should be interesting. 


Yeah, kid!

"Aw, thanks, Narrator."

Astro rolled bookworm and the Rambunctious Tyke aspiration!

And is very cute. I think he might have a bit of Aux's facial features as well in the lips but that could just be me.

I also changed his hair so it was Audi's previous hairstyle and gave Audi a little faux hawke. 

I still keep getting them mixed up in game. 

I also gave Archae the old nursery so the boys could be in one room and her in the other. Especially since her birthday was fast approaching and changed her bedstyle to be a bit more dinosaur and archaeology related. 

And here is the boys room!

"And then a giant dinosaur came out of the closet!"

"Wow you're so cool Audi!"

"Highly improbable but I'll let it go since it was a good story."

The boys decided to have a little dance party as Aux cooked dinner.


After dinner though, they settled in to do homework as it was the weekend coming soon and I wanted them all to get their grades up. Please excuse Archae in pajamas she was so tired. 

Seriously, these kids are great.

After school they all sit down and watch TV together which is great. I like to think this really sums up their personalities.

Except Audi who is looking very surprised.

"Scooby Doo just almost got eaten by the monster!"

Oh well, that explains it!

And these two are still very much in love with each other. I just had to include this photo it was so cute although Gideon's work attire still very much annoys me.

I felt like I hadn't shown the updated outside of the house so here it is! I quite like it although I wish I would have included a second floor instead of having to cram everything together on one floor. 

Aux was finally growing up and I had Aux whip up a strawberry cake (Yum!) because I was eager to finally put the cakes to use.

Thanks so much, Archae for growing up in a hat where I can't see your face.

Mirror. Now.

Look at you! Not bad.

"I know."

Alright, alright no need to let it go to your head.

Archae rolled the mean trait which I think suits her very well.

But sadly, this is where I will leave you! With a very cute painting of a kitten and the anticipation of the next chapter! Thank you all so much again for your responses and I look forward to writing more for you.

As always,
For Science!

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